Preparing the kids for a blizzard

If you live in the Northeast, chances are, you are prepping for an epic storm that will drop a shit-ton of snow onto our properties. The words epic, crippling and life-threatening have been buoyed around to describe this storm. With the way that they are hyping this, I am guessing that Godzilla is going to be dropping a People’s Elbow or we will have a dusting, and a lot of hung-over parents come Tuesday.

As adults, we realize that 20-30 inches of snow is going to blow. It means shoveling, snowblowing and hoping that the power doesn’t go out. We groan at the aspect of keeping kids entertained with or without power. The real question though should be how the kids feel about the snow.

OK – I am not talking the whole Sweet, we have a home day daddy, or NO SCHOOL!!! Both of my kids are under four and the taller of the kids is ~36″. Think about that for a second, the snow (as predicted) is going to be just six inches shorter than he is. If you hit a patch with a gust, homeboy is gonna be in the deep end with no swimmies.

While looking across the Web tonight, I came across this Emergency Preparedness Kit from Sesame Street and the folks over at PSE&G (NJ-based utility company) that has some things to put kids at ease during emergencies.

I’ve thumbed through a bit and while it is a tad old for my kids, it is still useful. Oh and for those of you wondering at home, we have wood stocked and a full fridge of booze. I am ready – bring on the storm.